new software voxox to manage IM, email, fax and phone in one place

If you have different accounts to manage your webcentric lifestyle, then you might like this new software in beta that unifies all of your communication channels voice, video, IM, text, social media, e-mail, fax and content sharing into a single, intuitive interface, giving you full control of your interconnected lifestyle. I know that I am constantly shifting between my web design persona, my ecommerce shopping cart software persona and my magazine subscription persona, that it’s hard to keep track of who I am at any given moment.

VoxOx by TelCentris is a unified application instant messenger enables you to manage all of your connections and contacts holistically, requires you to give up nothing and, at the same time, provides a sophisticated global phone service for free or at low cost options. By using VoxOx, you can easily participate in virtually every electronic form of communication one at a time, simultaneously and in different combinations. Greater ease of use, especially when accessing multiple channels, will result in an ever broader adoption of these technologies, not just by Millennials and Gen-Xers, but by friends and family of all ages who are becoming overwhelmed by today’s growing communications frenzy.