What Mommies Need: Review: T Mobile G1 phone and Shop Savvy …

Today’s tidbit features What Mommies Need: Review: T Mobile G1 phone and Shop Savvy ….
I found this post at https://www.whatmommiesneed.com/2009/04/review-t-mobile-g1-phone-and-shop-savvy.html.

What Mommies Need: Review: T Mobile G1 phone and Shop Savvy ...

I currently own a Samsung Black Jack, and let me tell you, it does not even compare to the G1 phone. My access to the Internet was faster and much more reliable with the G1 phone. This phone came with so many applications that it is …

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Video: Celebrities and VIPs Celebrate Music’s Biggest Independent Music Festival at the T-Mobile G1 Tone-Def After-Party
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